Sunday, August 31, 2014

ARP - 25 - Quiver

Dylan and John tackle another Kevin Smith story, this time from DC comics. Green Arrow - Quiver is the relaunch of the title and this story does a good job of restarting the story while still tying it to the history of the character. Dylan and I had a great time discussing the elements of this story both good and bad. Enjoy our thoughts on this story.

Talking points


Sexism (29:06)

Stanley's monster (30:36)

Questionable content (34:14)

Olliver Queen (44:20)
Put downs (45:49)
Narrator (47:02)

Arrow's arrows (50:21)

Comparison to Arrow (Tv show) (53:49)
How will Black Canary react to the newly resurrected Ollie (59:35)

If you would like to download the show, right click and Save As

Join us on September 14th for our next story Cataclysm from Marvel's Ultimates Universe.

We are also on Comics Podcast Network. Please go over there and check out our section as well as some of the other podcasts they host.

We would like to thank Packie Wambaugh for recording our intro and outro music for us.
We look forward to hearing from you.

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