Sunday, September 28, 2014

ARP - 27 - Aquaman Triton Saga

Dylan and John head down to Poseidonus to visit Aquaman and see what he's up to. Turns out Poseidon's son, Triton, wants to kill him. Don't you hate it when a Greek god wants you dead? How does DC's king of the sea handle this situation? Join us and find out.

Talking points


Poseidon imparting power on Arthur twice (20:41)

Female Art (24:35)

The whale from Annual issue (29:51)


Year One (34:31)

Mythology (37:13)
Aquaman defends the monster from Sentinal (40:49)
Aquaman (45:03)

Crossover with other heros (49:13)

Aquaman's plan to have Triton kill him so he could go get Poseidon from Hades (52:26)

Villains (55:38)

If you would like to download the episode, right click and select Save As

Join us on October 12th for our next story Chew - Taster's Choice from Image Comics.

We are also on Comics Podcast Network. Please go over there and check out our section as well as some of the other podcasts they host.

We would like to thank Packie Wambaugh for recording our intro and outro music for us.
We look forward to hearing from you.

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